The power of the internet can certainly be used for good. But it's use is dependent on who is using it, and their intentions behind the use. The internet is not a single line of communication. Like writing a note on a piece of paper and sticking it to the
refrigerator. The internet is that note, BUT can be posted, copied, edited and shared anywhere, to anybody. The assumption is, who cares about that stupid note?
Social Media and Child Safety - News reports and experts tell us that the Internet is a haven for cyberbullies, sexual predators, and identity thieves. You are concerned for good reason: Your teenager is often online and seems oblivious to the dangers. It's better to keep them away until they are ready lets us help you see why.
Mr. Miller is the founder of Parent Dome. He has an extensive background in hardware, software, tools, process and human behavior to be the experiential platform in addressing a screen facing populace.